Introduction in the benefits of Ayurveda
The word Ayurveda means the science of life ( Ayur: science / Veda: life).
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is intimately connected to Yoga as its corresponding system of natural medicine. It is based upon the belief that health and well-being depend on a delicate balance between the body, mind and spirit.
The philosophy of Ayurveda is based upon living in tune with nature.
Living in tune with nature: what does that mean?
We were all born with a personal blueprint. As nature made you, so shall you live. When you live a life according to your nature, then you are in balance. This schedule shows us how our life looks like when we are in balance with nature and when we live out of tune with nature.
Living a balanced life in tune with nature:
you are in flow with your body’s and minds needs
you listen closely to your body’s and minds signals
you listen to your breath signals
you are getting restful sleep
you choose food and drinks that uplift and nourish you
you choose people and activities that uplift and nourish you
you know which exercises serve your well being
Living a life out of balance with nature:
you neglect your body’s and minds needs
you neglect your body’s and minds signals
you’re not paying attention to your breath
you experience sleep difficulties
you choose foods and drinks that are non-nurturing and you may crave junk-food
you neglect exercise
you may overindulge in compulsive behaviors
In Nature everything consists of the five elements; ‘ether, air, fire, water and earth’.
In Ayurveda these five elements represent the most foundational concept. The five elements can be assigned to different regions in the body. Joined together as a pair, they manifest in a Dosha. Also known as ones body constitution (blueprint). In my coaching work you and I can discover more about your Dosha and then begin to pacify and balance your body which also influences the mind.
When it comes to a healthy and balanced mind, Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that there are also three specific energies that each have their qualities. These three so called Guna’s are always present and cannot be removed or separated. What we can do, is learn about them and how to increase or decrease a Guna.
I can help you gain insight in where you might need more or less from and how you can reach this through a change in lifestyle and thoughts.